Pregnancy case study 1


Our very own Soulful Doula Heather started as a client through Embodied Tantra Pregnancy & Birthing her beautiful boy Tevel and herself into a clarity and embodiment as body poetry…

Goddess bless whatever algorithm brought Darshna to me…and our son! I immediately resonated with Darshna’s social media posts—this was late in the third trimester of my second pregnancy and I was deep in the throes of preparing for a VBAC following a traumatic birth experience with our daughter. Her language around birth felt so familiar and true. I had been particularly drawn to the KMRT® birth axis work and dove into a session with Darshna with an open mind and heart. As a somatic and movement practitioner, I am dedicated to dancing with the wisdom of the body. Darshna facilitated a powerful dive that seamlessly melded body, mind, spirit, babe, and subconscious.

With just one session, I felt a deep sense of calm and trust in my body and babe—unshakable and undaunted. Having felt so seen, heard, and supported by Darshna, the roots of my internal work up to that point felt deeply reinforced, honoured, nourished, and celebrated…I had established contact with my internal birth template and knew I could birth this babe in spite of endless external noise. I navigated multiple crises of confidence during the 6-day labour journey that unfolded following the spontaneous release of my waters at 38+2–but when my body fully opened on the 6th day and I finally felt the pressure of our son’s head, I stepped into such clarity and absolute focus.

With determination, I was able to access the somatic memory of my session with Darshna and the intimate dialogue with our babe reached an entirely new level. I was able to fully surrender to his rhythms and follow his lead as he descended with ease and grace. We danced in perfect synchronicity—the noise and sterility of our hospital surroundings fell away and it was just me and babe in the dance that was ours and ours alone. I trusted him and he trusted me on a soul level. Together we channelled the work we had done with Darshna and the old imprints, trauma, and pain of a past marked by sexual abuse, narcissistic mother wounds, and patriarchal inheritances that no longer served me all fell away. We followed the birth axis effortlessly and I sobbed with joy as I held our 4+ kg babe in my arms. Together we triumphed and so much of the pain of the first birth was alchemised.

Throughout the pregnancy, birth, and post-partum, I felt such a special connection to our son, Tevel. A adeep knowing and understanding that only expanded as we came to know one another earth side. The roots of our communication were so clearly felt while he had been in utero and we continue to cultivate such a beautiful language together. His innate calm and abject joy inspire me every day and I am so grateful to have had such a powerful and meaningful beginning with this incredible spirit baby. All mamas and babes deserve this—it is our birth right. 

Whilst studying to become a Souful Doula. Heather is powerfully coming into her own being. She had her closing the bones ceremony on the 21st march 2023 and felt profoundly clear and integrated within herself. She had asked us a group to be with her in spirit as she lives in Israel. She felt my presence in the room towards the end of her ceremony. intention of our collective field is powerful and it takes intention and clear purpose to place yourself within a non local field. Transmission is powerful.

Stepping into a new cycle of massive change personally as mother, partner , artist.

Her questioning and contribution in the group has been amazing as well as living it.

Thank you!

Doing the birth axis during her labouring days to birth with Tevel. The body remembers. She actioned the gesture of mudra as her son knew the sound.

Meeting her Inner Shamanic guide

Pure presence with Tevel her power babe Sun.


Pregnancy case study 2


“i have been doing the birth axis meditation and this time i went to go and see my midwife her head was in the right position.”

During the birth:

“She came fast and i was very vocal. It was primal & visualising the birth axis helped me get through. We worked together beautifully.

Thank you so much” The father was telling her that he thinks her birth sounds and actions were the most authentic thing he’s ever heard and witnessed. See below her beautiful birth pictures.


When we worked together during her embodied tantra pregnancy and birth classes. I could feel and see through Jenny’s energetics and chakra system that her strongest portal of birth is her voice in relationship to her root chakra. Sound was important and the most resonant for her. We focused on this throughout sessions and she practised

‘So Hum’ to reverberate and birth with her baby. …as you read from her and her husbands testimony sound in relationship with her visualising her birth axis was the most authentic way of birthing her baby girl. Most of all she really enjoyed the So Hum as it was invigorating and giivng her courage and strength.

Welcome Elana Joy.

Mark Ruby & Elana

Christmas 2023 Jenny ‘s reflection of Elana’s growing consciousness.

Pregnancy case study 3

J Janaki & Yohan

Yesterday I did the birth axis alignment practice with bare feet onto mother earth, connecting to the earth womb and Womb of cosmos and it felt so nourishing and powerful.

I realise it's hard to put into words how I experienced your session but I'll give it a try.

Our testimony:
Darshna’s session has had a great impact on me and my birthing partner. It was the missing link for us, as we had been doing a lot of birth preparation, but was missing the spiritual and energetic teaching and connection to birth. After the session we felt so inspired and empowered. I now feel less fear about what's to come and a deeper trust, even looking forward to welcoming our baby into the world. With deepest gratitude, we are so thankful for this unique teaching and empowering experience that no doubt will be a guiding star through the sacred process of birthing our little girl. J Janaki

Jenny Practised the birth axis sitting down because her kundalini energy felt more anchored. Her video testimony

My Womb - My Mistress

Jenny Janaki is on Instagram HERE @AFEMININEWAY

She beautifully expresses their love and opening to receiving Prema Sophia. Video and Words.

One thing that has become evident to me throughout pregnancy and birth is how mysterious the womb is once we start opening to her magic.

When we realised that we had been blessed with a baby growing in my womb, it was unexpected. I had spent several years healing and awakening to my Wombs wisdom and power and it felt like things started happening beyond my will.

Mentally I had decided to wait with having a baby, it wasn’t the right time, yet my womb wanted it differently (and I truly believe our little Devi heard my doubts and decided she had to come right away!).

The moment of conception happened when me and my beloved went to my forest temple, we prayed and did a sacred meditation, as it was the first time we had made love in this way. I could feel as we sat there that something big was happening.

It was beyond my will, it was the great mothers will.

And so came the birth. I had prepared for months, in all kinds of ways. I had done devotional practices, energetic practices, rituals, connected to Mother Earth and asked for her blessings. I felt ready to receive our Devi and I didn’t have much fear left.

Yet what happened was very unexpected. It went beyond anything I had ever expected and I can for sure say that it was a solid initiation into motherhood, one that I think I will take time to understand.

This also, the workings of my Womb, my mistress that keeps surprising me, teaching me about the sacred feminine, who’s unpredictable, uncontrollable and unsustainable - that’s the way I love her, I don’t want her to be any way else.

It’s so extremely intense to dive into the wild river of the feminine. It takes you like a tsunami, often I feel like I am drowning, yet the path of the feminine is the most beautiful, lovig and mesmerising fairytale I’ve ever been on.

Pregnancy case study 3

Soulful Doula Bernadette as Birth Guardian

Welcoming baby Idris into this world with Soulful Doula Guiding and becoming a birth guardian. Angel a busy mum of three already and her 4th now on the way. Giving her space and time through the trines and birth axis to connect and align with her birthing desires. She listens embodies and has realisations. Follow the journey through the recordings. As she has realisations in between sessions leading to her birth from these sessions. Meaning she has embodied the energy. Prana kundalini integrates in pure awareness of light Chit kundalini.

Pregnancy dialogues part 1 Angel & Baby idris

november 2022

Pregnancy dialogue part 2 Angel & baby idris

1st trine pregnancy practice Angel & baby idris

birth axis practice Angel & baby idris

Update and progress with baby idris and his mama angel

after practising with Soulful Doula Bernadette from November 2022

update in January 2023

Octave work 1st trine update progress

Birth axis result progress

Sexuality of birth Primal movement 3rd trimester

Baby Idris landed safely at home as planned 11-02-2023

He arrived quickly and Bernadette missed the physical birth. All the pre birth work was beneficial in many ways. Angel had her midwife and sister there. She was not alone. They were there as witnesses and she birthed on her own and in her own way!


A beautiful follow up and testimonial of the the trine work has helped Angel during her pregnancy, birth and post partum.


