trimester 1

 welcome to your first trimester

Your spirit baby is now climitising to your body through your hormones to create its own body

It is rooting its energy here on earth

Becoming conscious through you…



The plant kingdom

The minerals

The animals

The pranic energy fields


The Root chakra is activated through the elementals of Gaia
Breath, water, nature, minerals, flora and fauna. These are expressed through your emotional elements

Air : all pranic life force through physiology.

Fire : hormonal conversion.

Water : emotions, fluidity, cohesion and flexibility.

Earth : stability, food, home , building from survival which is a basic primal instinct to thriving for a regulated nervous system and creating consciously.

The Spirit to earth baby getting to know a physical body through its mothers sense perception.

Connection to her body is vital.

There is a language the body is translating as the Spirit baby itself. It is not separate.



As a mother you will start to form the RASA VAHA NADI an etheric golden chord where your emotions start to form the baby’s heart and neural faculties as it starts to build a relationship through the mother’s emotions. The vibrations of energy builds matter and begins to translate the calling in of her child’s soul. The sweet song of the spirit baby.

In pregnancy, the pulsation of the mother’s heart translates through the umbilical cord in harmony with the baby. Spiritual energy works like magnetics and flows by the channels of the autonomic and somatic nervous system. The energetics of the heart is the somatic connection of love. The energy known as 'kundalini', meaning 'root and movement' akin to a snake takes you into discovery and a deeper connection to your child’s soul. Hence the snake is a representation of transformation. It is also sexual energy the pranic life force that governs life. It moves through individuals during lovemaking and orgasmic response.

The pregnant mother is considered a goddess and must be treated as such like a precious oil in a bowl without spilling a drop. Therefore, held in high esteem. As she is creation herself. Doing GODS work.

The woman must treat herself like a mother goddess and take care of her inner world. So others can support her on this journey into life another incoming soul wishing to discover earth school…

the steps below:

the mothers heart

The Heart is the first important vessel to ignite all other organs in formation during the 1st trimester. Listen to the audio meditation and relax with it each day. It will help you to connect to your spirit to earth your conscious baby. Enjoy and get to know each others cues together for life begins here. It begins with your bio rhythm. Your heart resonance to all of creation. Your baby is a part of that.

forming neural and emotional connection to your spirit to earth baby



    Buy 2 journals. In journal one writes all your fears around birth and releasing your baby into its body. No longer in your safe space. Be honest about your idea of motherhood, parenthood.

    Journal 1 -Your mind needs to filter out negative emotions through the hands in writing.

    So it is out of the body. It is Dispersed

    Journal 2 - Then rewire the brain by writing desire in the other journal talking to your baby as if it is here already. Start to write letters to the soul of your baby full of love. Your dreams and desires for the love of this child and anything you wish to say. Your baby is always listening…Spirit babies need love only!!!

    Start to form a relationship with your spirit baby through your body. Your body has language through the nervous system. when writing feel in your nervous system how you feel about it. your body will tell you about the birth you would like by responding in fight or flight.

    You will then know how your body is responding to growing a child and becoming a mother. Letting go of your young maiden self-will transpire throughout the pregnancy. Actually, recognising this as an exciting phase and that losing a part of you leads you to knowing more of yourself. Can be exciting rather than grief. This will make it easier and smoother.

    Smoothly transitions you into each phase of life. Pregnancy being a potent transition…



    10 moons of pregnancy are rhythmic cycles of creative emotion and the subconscious will be synthesised through Sunlight each day.

    As the babies subconscious is formed through your body each moon cycle. Become conscious to be aware of your fluctuating emotions and thoughts. 1st trimester is allowing the babies spirit to download and you being in allowance and flow as much as possible.

    Observe the moon in her light and darkness as she waxes and wanes. Feel that in your body. It will give you the signal of how your biology corresponds to your thoughts. Observe your emotional waves and understand your negative emotions of anger, frustration, depression etc. choose how to feel each day as you become more aware and know all other thoughts are just thoughts.

    Your emotion waves in alignment with the moon tides. How do you feel during the month in relation to your body expanding into pregnancy ? How does your body respond? Inflammation, pain, sadness, attachment fluid retention. Or embracing anew and exciting phase in union with your baby’s soul.

    These are all indications of your idea of woman/ motherhood and who you are in relation to creation and birthing.

    Notice how you feel sexually in connection to your libido during waxing and waning phase. This is absorption and vitality you feel during the day from the night.

    Your psychic intuitive nature turning into the life force of the baby…



    Once you recognise and realise your emotions in relation to the moon phases of waxing and waning light.

    Choose how to feel everyday instead of just seeing what the day brings. as if your child/ren were already here and you are setting an example of how to live and enjoy life

    Do not supress negativity. Acknowledge it and bring your awareness to neutrality through directing it through your thoughts and acknowledge it as a part of you. By doing this it is neutralised. Therefore, your nervous system and cells are not fighting anything or treating your baby as a foreign body. Therefore, creating resistance which makes the body reject. Morning sickness is a sign of this partially.

    Once you feel comfortable with this. You are able to choose how to feel daily to maximise joy , love and compassion for yourself. So, your nervous system is not always reactive into survival. You are entraining it to become thriving.

    Your baby is learning from you. This not about perfection. It is about connection.

    This expands into knowing motherhood as a discovery of family unity and love. Guiding your child into self-empowerment can begin in the womb.

Sufficient sunlight during the day synthesises the hormones produced during the dark cycle of the night the moon cycle . The moon where the Spirit baby is in dreamstate with you. The Spirit baby is psychic with you. Feeling into its family unit. Pregnancy is a 10 moon phase embodying the Sun. The astrology and third eye being formed.

The Sun being the solar plexus energy with mars reinforces this idea via the ego to emulate oneself again to perpetuate the human race and bloodlines of the earth. The consciousness of the spirit baby starts to respond to the Sun in the cosmos and the quantum manifestation starts to happen as the correlation of fixed atoms start to infuse into the idea of what the body will be.

Just as the plant metaphor. The sun starts to respond to the seed via photosynthesis before the shoot emerges from the soil. It has an innate knowledge within, which is its soul. Who knows its best condition for which to thrive upon. Day and night cellular respiration.

Your body needs the same. A good nights sleep before 10pm in a dark room and rising naturally to seeing and feeling a good amount of daylight through the eyes during the day. Breath as a conduit. Nature will provide for your body.


During pregnancy the components of Prana is doubled or tripled dependant on how many babies are coming in.  It moves through energetic pathways and points via the air element (Vayu) with junction points known as meridians or Marma points. These correlate to physiological nerve plexuses in the human body. There is flow that harmonises as your babies spirit is downloading into your body.

Prana Vayu is the inward breath during inhale via the nose moving through brain circuits and oxygenating the system via heart, brain and lungs. Take long deep belly breaths through the nose feeling your whole head is oxygenated. Visualise if you cannot feel it. it will reach through with practise.

Vyana vayu is the heart motion in circulation via blood and peripheral circulatory system. It works with the heart chakra and is the basis of how you feel in love toward yourself and others. Breathe through your heart . Listen to its beat. It is your bio rhythm of life connecting to all your other organs . Instructing them is growing your babies organs.

Samana Vayu is the metabolic rate and capacity via the digestive system and digestion of conscious thought. It works with desire and the solar plexus chakra. How you process your thoughts is how you digest your food. This chakra is connected to your babies identity whilst pregnant so the flow will be different and you may want different foods and you may not recognise who you are because your identity is changing. As you physically growing another ego. Embrace the unity, co creation with unity like team work and digestion will follow more smoothly. Eat intuitively rather than following particular regime. Everyday is different energetically.

Apana Vayu is one of the most important as it governs the downward and outward flow and is the descending flow. Conception, elimination of toxins. Reproduction, childbirth and immunity. It works with the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras as one flow. From desire energy to matter density. Keep your bowel movements regular. through hydration. Fruits and high fibre foods. Grounding the meditations through connecting to the earth through the mind heart and physically (the birth axis).

Udana vayu is the communication centre. It has an upward motion, ascending breath to bring in the cosmos and communicate to the rest of the body via the senses and beyond in a full circuit. It is the endocrine system and exhale within the body of Kundalini energy. Udana and apana need to be synchronised during birth more so. This means communication to yourself . Speaking your truth to yourself. Keeps Udana flowing.

Morning sickness can occur for a few reasons:

Pls note if your sickness is too much . Be under the guidance of a naturopath, ayurvedic practioner, doctor, homeopath. Whomever your feel a resonance with.

When we take a breath an inhale will move upwards through Prana vayu and exhale into the body via the other 4 pranas depending on how much life force you have moving within you. In early pregnancy the spirit baby energy is moving in and out of its mothers auric field. It is large and expansive because it is mostly in the spirit realms getting to understand a physical body. This increases the hormonal output to facilitate a body growing within the mothers body. Which creates a lot of heat and movement through the nervous system.

Sickness occurs on different levels. Mentality, Spiritually and physically. Prana will move upwards too much and not within the other four directions to vitalise the womb. Certain smells or food tastes will trigger because your baby’s desire is needing something else to facilitate its growth. Keep hydrated . Lack of minerals can create morning sickness.

On a physiological level. Morning sickness occurs due to a lowering of blood sugar in the system early morning as prana increases in the elements. To keep the balance dry crackers or a sweet biscuit with a ginger or mint tea will help.

Somewhere in the unconscious you are not ready or the body is reacting like it is not ready for a pregnancy. Or it is climitising the energy through your natural law which are your expressions of the elements within you. If you are a fire led person which is mind orientated you will increase heat easily. So breath within your heart to help infuse the spirit baby energy. If you are an air dominant person creative, active fast paced over active nervous system . Stillness breath and meditation will ease it. Use the emotional practices above. Accepting you are already a mother instructs the body into pregnancy rather than resistance.

The birth axis especially done in nature will ease symptoms. You can download the audio and practice outside. Especially with trees they know how to root very well. Nature spirits.


Practise the birth axis: it will keep the pranic flow.

Nature: long deep breaths is the language spirit hears. your body needs prana which works through oxygen to energise the body and aura. sit with trees they have rooting wisdom. Stillness is needed to calm the mind and the body will follow.

Minerals & Vitamins: the blood needs sufficient minerals to gravitate spiritual energy. An organic pregnancy formula will help. Or if you need specific minerals be under the guidance of a naturopath health in pregnancy. Vitamin B could also be deficient which is water soluble and so must be replenished regularly by vitamin b rich foods.

Fresh natural foods: In the 1st trimester sweet cooling foods and liquids are eaten to support the fetus.

Coconut water, pomegranate juice, milk , ghee, raw honey, natural sweet liquids

Eat small frequent meals

If you can feel a lot of movement in your nervous system with the heat. Relaxation and meditation is key. Connect emotionally to your spirit to earth baby.

Ayurveda states the importance of cravings satisfied. So if your desire is to eat a particular food . It is no time for judgement. eat what you feel because the baby’s desire is moving through you. This is because your child’s imprints (Vasanas) are being formed through your ancestry. Hence a particular food may be desired.

Eat small frequent meals

  • Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice is mixed with half a teaspoon of both lemon and raw honey mixed in warm water once or twice a day.

  • Ginger tea cooled down till tepid with raw honey to sweeten will help.

  • Coconut water

  • pomegranate juice

  • milk (cows milk or oat)

  • ghee in your cooking pacifies heat and very grounding element its nature is brain nourishing

  • raw honey

  • sweet fruits

  • Drink plenty of water to create great amniotic fluid

  • To keep blood sugar balanced in the morning dry crackers or a sweet biscuit with a ginger or mint tea will help. upon awakening.

  • Prepare juice of lemon and fresh mint and drink small amounts 2 to 3 times a day

 Use the birth axis to keep the 5 pranas moving in flow with the aura of your spirit baby grounding itself through your root chakra

Follow the steps to this somatic movement routine . It helps to entrain your body with your baby. KMRT®

Move consciously using your breath as acknowledgement to spirit with love to your spirit babies higher self confirming it into your body.

Namaste little one/s


The Birth axis routine is a daily practise keeping the spirit baby aura attuned to your body. As the kundalini expands in relationship with the spirit baby moving in and out of the mother’s auric field getting to know its own body. Alignment through the earth the root chakra is important. Creating more unity with the baby and its higher self. It teaches the baby how to birth itself. A guiding light

The steps as follows through somatic gesture and movement.

This guides the higher self into an axis to follow and will assimilate the light through the kundalini life force into the physical body.

The spirit baby will feel the axial movements and know how to follow it through the silent energy movement which is the octave in oscillation. Creating resonance.

The sound of birth. Each breath, mudra and emotion the earth and cosmos hears and acknowledges your desire. Through somatic gesture. It aligns all expansion.

The feeling through your emotional body. Your higher self and guides will be through the breath and acknowledgement of spirit and earth as conscious beings.

With each step move consciously with love. Taking the inhale through the yoni to the crown and exhaling deep back down into the hips. The longer the breath and slow conscious movement. The more vibration your body can hold and adjust kundalini expansion.


Your connection to your baby started way before the desire came into play. A play called life!

If you would like a deeper exploration. You can buy the alchemy courses

Cosmic alchemy

Sexual alchemy

Amniotic alchemy

CLICK HERE to see the look book. To buy Log In and choose your course.


Lets play together Mummy…