global soulful doula esoterica sessions

Soul to body experience

The journey of consciousness into matter

Full video of Soulful Doula Esoterica

18th February 2023 (on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivartri).

KMRT® Kinaesthetic Listening was built on the foundations of Ayurveda and tantra a yoga in itself. The qualities of doshas and gunas are reflections of belief and behaviour tendencies. each trine and breathwork allows balance and more potential of the positive qualities of the elements in unison with natures cycles. The expression of natural laws within the psyche, somatic movement into primal response and breath as each dosha flows through the nadis in polarity to unify within Sushumna where it turns to light in awareness. Pure sattva in intention and sound Octave expressing it through rajas as Oscillation and unifying in union Orgasmic state.

doshas and gunas

qualities of each dosha in its emotions/ body/ mental and physiological expression as movement with a tone of expression

These qualities describe opposing forces that drive a personality characteristics of expression and physical symbology within health and disease states.

Expressions of Vata describe qualities of expression as Vata is the principle of all movement within the body..

Vata - Tall or Short. creative . a slim frame , light muscles tone and bones. Prone to anxious nervous system and a short attention span. Very creative but rarely completes a project. Flighty.

Creative expressive and are often artists , dancers, teachers, healers.

they operate well with routine allowing nervous system to be in allowance and stable. very expansive and can be good clairvoyants due to subtle mobile clear qualities. Stable Vata enables clear focused channelled readings of subtle language, Kinaesthetic Listening and interpretation of the akashic field as the attributes are similar.

Sexual nature very quick, fast and active.

Expressions of Pitta describe qualities of expression as Pitta is the principle of all transformation within the body in particular hormonal processes.

Pitta - Average height, athletic build. hot skin and tempered , good digestion and leadership qualities. light works very well turns into liquid gold giving their bodies good muscle tone and strength. Sensitive to light and in the personality have sensitive hearts.

Sharp in their words and facial features, reddish hair and skin tone with tendency for excess oil or good lubricated skin. Inflammation is a tendency if Pitta is high. All the disease states attributed to high pitta are the disease names with itis on the end.

Perfection and leadership are the sharp qualities and when taken into the heart Sattva prevails. Through the mind ego inflates especially with kundalini as its nature is very pitta. Transformation. Libido can be low sexually active usually to release.

Expressions of Kapha describe qualities of expression as Kapha is the principle of all cohesive and binding structures within the body that take shape and form.

Kapha - are the larger in stature generally stout in height (although not always). They can put on weight very easily.

They love sweet things and food especially. Very good long term memory not quick to pick up but once they do they do not forget (the sticky quality).

Slow moving and tendency of laziness. They can be dull or vibrantly loving.

Compassionate and caring nature. Very fertile. Good lubrication in sexual fluids and joints.

When in balance.




9 Nodal points in the centre of the body

1 - the infinite creative source. the primordial point of creation. ( definitions source of 1 Remington Donovan book A beginners guide to numerology)

9- the number of grace . The level of intelligence that goes beyond the mind.

This is how you merge from polarity to union. Sushumna.

Global catch up: 10th June 2023

Experience of the last 6 months. case study shares of embodiment realisations. Astro insights for the rest of 2023. The language and translation of the body.

the goddess alignment, downloads and how to discerning of what comes through your grid.

(please note that the meditation for some reason did not record with my voice it was felt on some level by all and may not have been needing to hear on a physical level at this moment in time. When i tune in i will find the right time to understand! the vibe went pretty high so it went beyond physical which affects electrics in portals of communication)

After tuning in my guides told me the 18 point grid i am referring to is an advanced grid hence i started to channel it as i was speaking to you all. The grid in your books and the 9 nodal points and 12 nodal points on some of your diagrams are sufficient for the work you are all doing. As it still remains within the sphere of this planet

There will be advanced practices i will offer much later on proceeding into 2024 for those who want to do it. I t will be a deeper dive into esoterica and multidimensionality.

12 Nodal points in the centre of the body

1 - the infinite creative source. the primordial point of creation.

12 - takes you to the dimension still within the physical body reaching a higher consciousness but still remaining within the earthly cycles of time. It will take you into deeper esoterica.

When your oscillation goes from polarity to union you can receive your esoterica beyond ego. I become WE . No seperation.

12th December 2023 last new Moon of the Year

Celebrating some beautiful expansions of work. Releases of ancestral patterns to form new resonance and become the new formation.

Full moon resonance 23-01-2024

A beautiful discovery and unfolding of the unconscious mind and esoterica connection. What this year brings in the symbolism of the Dragon.

the north and south node axis.

New Moon 7th March Mahashivatri essence

Celebrating some beautiful expansions of work. Consecration of Audrey Soulful Doulas Yoga Shala SAMANA.

Three babies arriving through the field . Paradox questions , staying in the resonance of what is wanted.

New Moon Energy post eclipse . Chaitra Navratri. I dance with Devi once more.

Aries, North node Chiron woundedness from timelines into the now. Heartfelt sensitive shares of abuse. Grief and self realisation of what is possible in the present moment. In this lifetime.

I don't know anything until I discover another part of myself. My imprints spoke as I integrate the parts that were not nourished. I get to choose who I am becoming. I honour the past in it revealing story. Only to show me I get to choose this time.

My body spoke in herstory. My blood bones and sinew are revelations as I remember who I want to be. I let go of the illusionary past. As new energy unfolds. I forgive myself.  I am kind deeply through honesty. My Venus heart is in devotion

I realise
I remember
I am yoni shakti

I get to choose this time !

Devi shakti..I dance with you again. Each moon cycle with my Soulful Doula sistars. We went deep into life and how re-emerge into a choosing of union.


